Friday, August 17, 2012

The Death of Urgency for Autism

From ASA at their July national convention: "Dr. Jim Ball, Chairman of the Autism Society, issued a call for a summit to bring together national organizations involved in advancing the independence, autonomy, self-sufficiency and dignity of each person living with autism."

This seems like a nice enough good feeling statement about the need for all to pull together for autism. But take a closer look. Who exactly on the autism spectrum is capable of "independence, autonomy and self-sufficiency"? Dr. Ball is only addressing the high functioning end of the spectrum here. Those people with clinical autism, the highly disabled middle and bottom of the autism spectrum, will never be independent or self-sufficient -- unless they receive intervention and treatment and rise to the level of Aspergers or higher. But the ASA is not focused on finding new treatments and causes for autism. They don't see the need, apparently, and are more of the neuro-diverse persuasion.

The Autism Society of America is functionally the Asperger Society of America, and has been their drift over the last few years. There is nothing wrong with having this focus, I would hasten to add. But the goals and needs of those with Asperger Syndrome is markedly different than the goals of those with clinical autism, especially newly diagnosed children. Go to any Autism Research Institute conference and you will find young parents looking for treatment answers for how to free their children from the dungeons of autism and the bleak future it holds. They are not there primarily looking for housing solutions, jobs for young adults, or social programs. Those things may come in time and are real needs for the exploding ranks of adults with autism.

But first things first. We need to expose the causes of autism and put a stop to it. We need research to find treatments and cures for autism. This is not the ASA agenda so I doubt there will be much to rally around for those advocates who are pulling for young families by seeking causes, treatment and cures for autism.

Defeat Autism Now!
Somebody has to say it for them.

Saturday, August 11, 2012


      There is a lot of hand wringing about bullying lately. Some of it comes from the special needs community who sees their vulnerable children, who often can't communicate, as special targets. Another big target for bullying comes from students who are gay, announced as so or perceived, usually older students. But even if you took away all the special needs and gay students, there would be no reduction in bullyings. Other targets would be selected by predators. Studies have shown that given the right situations, regular normal people can easily slip into bully/authoritarian roles. It seems we all have this devil lurking within. Childhood insecurity seems to provoke the bully in children. But it doesn't start with children.

      Bullying starts at the top. We have role models at the top of the political hill who are the worst of bullies towards each other and set the tone of behavior towards one another. Negative political ads by the presidential candidates on down are pure bully tactics. Why do politicians act like bullies to get elected or reelected? Because such tactics often work, especially if there is not much positive to point to. We seem to give the bullies our attention and believe in their slurs and taunts, and thus empower them. We have met the enemy and he is us.